08 July 2005

Explosive Repercussions?

I don't want to even begin to impinge on the suffering of yesterday's bombing victims and their families. What a truly dreadful thing to happen.

What I do want to ask is what this will do to public opinion about ID cards and the Racial and Religous Hatred Bill. Both, as they stand, are open to abuse and without new technology in one case or a change in wording in the other, it is unlikely they would really produce the security they claim to offer in exchange for our freedom. However, it may now be that the shock provided by yesterday's events may help to push them into law without the loopholes being closed.

Given that the bombings were, by Al Quaeda standards, small and ineffectual, with a very low death count compared to their last two International campaigns, and given that this was not down to superior precautions against such events (the bombs got where they were meant to be, and went off on time, they just didn't do as much damage), then I have to wonder, and marvel with no small sense of disgust and bitterness, at how perfectly bloody timed this was, for all sorts of people.

When Bush was doing a piece to camera at G8, did I really hear him assert his faith in 'President Blair'?

1 comment:

Doris said...

I didn't hear the President Blair comment and I bet if that had been heard it would be all over the net by now?

It would be a matter of course that events like this would be used to try and rush through all sorts of legislation - the ID cards is an expensive and illogical way forward. I really do not see that they can be taken seriously and is scary.