06 November 2005

Clutching Your Corner On The Great Duvet Of Life

Darling other half snuggled up to me this morning. It was a rare and special treat to be able to wake in our own time - no alarm clock and no children in the house (not something I've actually experienced very often for the past 22 years.)

So there I was, sleepily padding round the house with my second cup of coffee, whilst he toyed with the computer.

He blogged.

He blogged that I had stolen all the duvet and he HAD to cuddle me to stop himself freezing to death. Bloody men.

Two marriages, four kids, innumerable pets and family disasters have taught me two things:
  1. To snuggle up in one corner of the bed, precariously near the edge, facing the wall and curled into as much of a ball as possible, to make the most of my own warmth.
  2. With hands clutched together against my chest, under my chin, it has been a matter of personal preservation to remember to grab hold of my corner of the duvet and clutch it tight, thus ensuring that neither my darling's midnight dreaming nor any nocturnal visitors (juvenile or feline) can wrench it away. I go to sleep in that position and unless my beloved has already got up, I wake in the same state.
Get this right, dear husband, I never moan about you when I wake at 3am with ice cold toes, 90% of the duvet over your side and the little corner in my grasp so taut against your efforts to take the lot that it's cutting the blood supply to my arm. Do I?

Do I moan when its that week of the month, I am giving off more heat than usual and you pile your share of the duvet against my back to keep yourself cool, so that I wake mid-nightmare and sweating like I've run a marathon? Eh? EH??

Isn't it always the way - in bed or in life - that you stand your ground, hang on to the most basic of human rights and dignities, then some bozo who is used to having it all STILL tries to take it from you; or wakes to find you have more and blames you for it.


Doris said...

I am TOTALLY with you Cheryl! Pity your other half didn't take the opportunity to dine out on what you had perceived as a romantic situation.

Silly men! ;-) His loss!

Anonymous said...

and I was complaining about not waking in my own sweet way for the last 11 years. I've already created my own room; there's no way I could have shared a bed for another 11 years, and I never developed a strategy like you did.

However, I love my room. It's full of silk and photos and violins and the finer things in life. MD has his work clothes both clean and dirty, everywhere, bits of paper, kleenex, and the smelly dog. I'm still hoping MD will make the connection between all this and what it might take to entice me to a little action .....still hoping ...still hoping.....

Ms Mac said...

Hmmm, that's he trouble with giving the other harf a voice, they start complaining!

That poster could have been made for me!

fineartist said...

You and your man have wonderful senses of humor. Both posts were a hoot.

You know, many give up the bed/blanket and go to another place to sleep, grabbing another blanket on the way…..

My motto is never give up your bed for the couch or the chair, STAY AND FIGHT. But if you do choose to give up the bed, snag the blanket before you go.