27 May 2006

Apologies, Doppelgangers and Dr Who

Sorry about the prior post turning into a bit of an epic monologue. Its a pet theory of mine that the heliosphere stuff happened to augment and I was having totally selfish and self absorbed fun. Thats the apologies over.

As to doppelgangers and Dr Who, well I've documented any feelings I have about more than a passing resemblance to Maureen Lipman before now. This time it seems that her resemblance to a version of me landed her a job as the baddy-come-female presenter at the BBC on the brilliant episode of Doctor Who shown tonight.

There are three of us identi-kit wimmin in the family; one whose recent photograph I have seen, who resides happily in North Wales and is, I think, one of the Parrs, in other words up to her eyeballs in barristers and the like as the whole of that side, so I am told, have a tendency to 'take the silk'.

Our lot tend to take the Mensa test and keep the council house, its a be-bothered thing. Life's too short to stuff a plaintiff, and all that.

The other was my great aunt (?) whose childhood portrait (which I possess) and mine are absolutely identical. I don't even know her name, as that would involve phoning my mother who would rattle it off at me at approximately a hundred miles an hour somewhere in amongst the names of all my grandmother's sisters; which one married a famous Fischer, which married a Lord, who went where, what a constant source of shame I am not to have gone to University and married a nice young man, all peppered with frustrated grumbling either about how I never wanted to know these things so why am I asking now, or if her memory is firing on all its super-fuelled cylinders, how I ask this every year and never bloody write it down or else lose it. I can't win and generally I've already 'lost it' in some form or another before the call is done.

Great Aunt Whatever-her-name-was has only one claim to fame that sticks in my mind - apart from (apparently) being my absolute double, she was one of the very first female presenters on BBC television. If you know the names of any dark haired, slightly horsey looking women with a distinct similarity to Maureen Lipman who also happened to present for the Beeb 'back in the day', then do fill me in.

Sorry, writermom, I don't really sound remotely similar to Emma Thompson, but I suspect that Aunty Thingummy probably did, if that helps at all.

And thats enough about me and the BBC, for a while, perhaps, but "Ha!" Maureen Lipman owes me one, or she owes Great Aunt one, or something. Going to go get back under my box, now.


She Weevil said...
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She Weevil said...
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She Weevil said...
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Doris said...

"Life's too short to stuff a plaintiff" ROFL

Did you see the programe after Dr Who on BBC 3 about the making of this episode - they showed and named a few presenters from that era.

It was another great episode :-)

Cheryl said...

She Weevil - I'm taking this to email - sorry I was asleep when you posted!

Doris - GRAAAA!!!! No, I missed it!

Doris said...

And if I remember rightly, they actually said which presenter they based Maureen Lipman on .... dark haired etc. Dr Who Confidential repeat shown on BBC 3 tonight at 7.55pm; Friday on BBC at 9.45pm and maybe even another time!

Cheryl said...

Thats easy :-)
The one that played the authoress (Laura Ingles later Laura Ingles Wilder) and who was therefore the uctest, spunkiest one, not the dull-as-dishwater perfect daughter...
Melissa Gilbert.
http://www.littlehouseonprairie.com/images/melissa-gilbert-holding-rope.jpg Even as adults theres a similarity - go google some more grown up pictures.
Its definitely the face shape and jaw line, I don't think she could possibly have meant the rounder faced, blander older sister.

Cheryl said...

I mean cutest.
Brain trying to take the weekend off, again.