09 July 2005

Birmingham Bomb Intelligence

Parts of Birmingham City Centre (The UK one) have been closed down tonight following intelligence that there may be explosives along one of it's busiest streets.
Broad Street is full of pubs and clubs and normally packed on a Saturday night.


Chris Cope said...

20,000 people evacuated. I would hate to be the person who issued the evacuation order if the "substantial threat" turns out to be a hoax.

Patricia Scott-Anderson said...

Hello Cheryl.. saw a comment of yours on another blog and wanted to invited you to see the In Memoriam that is at http://ancienteyesforcurrenttimes.blogspot.com
Following the bombings in London.

Have hoped, in whatever small way.. perhaps my words might make it across the pond to Britain and that maybe.. they might send condolences and thoughts.
Would love to have you visit and pass it on to friends, if you feel it is appropriate,
